Welcome to the BigBrain Release 2015! Atelier3d is a licensed proprietary software developed at the NRC in Ottawa. These are the Atelier3d client files for viewing the BigBrain model. Note that the Atelier3d viewer itself is not provided on this ftp site. How Atelier3D works? What you need to know, in brief, is that the BigBrain volume model at 20um resides in one place on a remote Server. A few auxiliary files must be installed on the Client -- that's your computer -- in order to instruct Atelier3d how to connect to the Server. This means that you will view BigBrain remotely. The files are: Model/HBM2015.a3d - this is the project file that you load in Atelier3D. Model/HBM2015_cortical_surf.a3d - a similar project file that includes the cortical surfaces of the BigBrain (Wagstyl, CerebralCortex 2018). Model/HBM2015.info, HBM2015.rawtex, HBM2015.rawtexinfo - internal files describing the model. Model/cortical_surfaces/*.osgb - these are cortical surfaces associated with the BigBrain. These surfaces are from K. Wagstyl's paper in Cerebral Cortex 2018 (https://doi.org/10.1093/cercor/bhy074) and correspond to: ftp://bigbrain.loris.ca/BigBrainRelease.2015/Layer_Segmentation/3D_Surfaces/CerebralCortex2018/. The number in the filename indicates a colour number from 1-255. You can rename the file to use a different colour, but if you do so you also have to edit the .a3d file to change the filename of the surfaces accordingly. You can also add/delete surfaces from the .a3d file. volumeTransferFunctions/*.vtf - these are alternate colour maps for the volume rendering, that you can load if you do not like the defaults. See ftp://bigbrain.loris.ca/BigBrainRelease.2015/Hippocampus_Segmentation/A3D for an A3D model of the hippocampus. What to do next? You can install the full contents of the Model/ folder on your desktop before loading the .a3d project file in Atelier3d. Once you have your local copy, you can create your own annotations, segmentations, etc.